Comment 0 for bug 1853

Revision history for this message
Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) wrote : Project "display name" is redundant with "title"

We currently expect people creating/editing projects to enter both a "title", being "the full name of the project, [which] can contain spaces, special characters etc"; and an "appropriately capitalised" "display name", of which examples include "the "the Apache Project", "the Mozilla Project", and "the GiMP [sic] Project".

All those display name examples are of the form "the %title Project", making the display name field redundant. People are going to be unnecessarily confused about what the distinction between display name and title should be. And you can't "appropriately capitalise" the word "the" anyway, because it might be used at the start of a sentence or it might not.

"Display name" should be dropped from the data model, and any existing callsites used should print either "the $title Project" or "The $title Project" as appropriate for their setting.