Comment 3 for bug 1419146

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Doug McKnight (doug-f) wrote :

I'm not sure if this is precisely the same issue/request but I think it would be excellent if there was a way to, elegantly, split buses for connection to hierarchical sub-sheets.

E.g. I have a 64-bit bus Analog[0..63] and I want to hook it up to a set of drivers. Each driver has its input, In[0..7] which it presents as a hierarchical pin in the usual way.
So, the connections would be:

Analog[0..7] ---> Driver_0[0..7]
Analog[8..15] ---> Driver_1[0..7]
Analog[16..23] ---> Driver_2[0..7]

Analog[56..63] ---> Driver_7[0..7]

If there's already a way to do this, I'd love to be corrected, but the only work round I have found is to draw a stack of wires, each with both names on it...

I've used another schematic tool that does this. If one rips a bus into smaller buses, with the correct number of wires (8 in this case) and connect it to an input with that number of wires, it simply does the mapping in the obvious way by incrementing the wire labels appropriately.

IMHO hierarchical schematics are essential for logic, clarity, and sanity for certain types of design. I would love it if KiCad were to strengthen its support for this kind of design.