Comment 46 for bug 1251393

Revision history for this message
Franck78 (fbourdonnec) wrote :

AFAIK, pcbnew does not merge edge cuts in footprints with the edge cuts
in the board so a complete board outline is not generated. Someone
please correct me if I'm wrong about this.

Wrong you are WS, Kicad 5.1.4 ;)

See photo for yourself.

Disabling a single layer for putting segment on it is just nonsense.
If a segment of anything must segfault latter , it does matter what tool inserted it.

So, in 2019, manipulating SEGMENT (line) on any layer in footprint editor IS working.
It is working so well that you just have to use a text editor on the source to add one then ctrl-d it as you need.

Next pcbnew is TOTALLY happy with the 5 segments (in my edge connector design) to draw a board.

Conclusion is simple
-this is not a valid limitation
-there is no code to add
-there no new feature here and FE must remove this restriction

(If the polygon tool is not working on this edges cuts layer, the tools have to be disabled for this layer. Not the layer.)

Application: KiCad
Version: 5.1.4, release build
    wxWidgets 3.0.2
    libcurl/7.37.0 OpenSSL/1.0.2j zlib/1.2.8 libidn/1.28 libssh2/1.4.3
Platform: Linux 4.4.180-102-default x86_64, 64 bit, Little endian, wxGTK
Build Info:
    wxWidgets: 3.0.2 (wchar_t,STL containers,compatible with 2.8) GTK+ 2.24
    Boost: 1.61.0
    OpenCASCADE Community Edition: 6.9.1
    Curl: 7.37.0
    Compiler: GCC 4.8.5 with C++ ABI 1002

Build settings: