Comment 24 for bug 1251393

Revision history for this message
Gabriel Staples (ercaguy) wrote :

I'm anxiously awaiting this feature. I'm currently building a virtual footprint for an edge connector and most definitely want the edge cuts in the footprint itself so the user doesn't have to redraw them every time they import an edge connector (virtual) footprint.

My current workaround is to draw them on the user layer, then manually edit the footprint's .kicad_mod text file to change the layer to Edge.Cuts. This works, but every time I make any edit to an Edge.Cuts line in the footprint editor it forces it back to another "valid" layer, and I have to repeat the change via the text file.

In either case, getting some good edge connector libraries in KiCad is critical to its success as a mainstream design platform in my opinion, so please let's make this happen.

Many thanks to all who contribute!