Comment 0 for bug 881161

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Jeremy Brayton (werddriven) wrote :

The raw IRC logs on EFnet for setting and unsetting +lk in mIRC:
:w0rd-driv!~jeremy@address MODE #windowsphone +lkb 5 poop urmom!@*
:w0rd-driv!~jeremy@address MODE #windowsphone -lkb * urmom!@* and the HandleModesChanged method is where the bottleneck seemed to be as I was expecting ModeChanged to have more than the IrcUser. Comment is an available property but you'd need something else for the params array.

If you decided to store params internally, a GetModes<string>(char) could also return the param for the mode you're querying like +l or k. This starts to lay the ground work for ban lists too though so I may be stepping on the wrong side of what defines a library and client.

I suppose I could subscribe to the raw events and check that but I have time and could donate patch help if you needed it. I'm doing this for a wp7 project and I was hoping to always keep track of channel key changes in the event of disconnects, which will be frequent.