Comment 7 for bug 879063

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su_v (suv-lp) wrote :

> In my case the handles do not appear, so I guess this is the
> reason of the confusion.
> I use Inkscape 0.48.2 r9819 on Windows 7 Enterprise 64 bit.

Did you actually zoom out, as recommended? (see attached screenshot in Inkscape 0.48.2).

Maybe I should also have mentioned that the pattern handles only appear after having switched tools at least once after creating it:
Bug #686568 “Pattern nodes are not visible in node editor when assigning new pattern”

> OK, seems that your primary nightly build storage is down.

see <>

> I've managed to get the latest nightly build, it works as expected

You should not have to "resort" to unstable development builds just to have the pattern handles appear - the feature works in the stable releases as described. If you keep a recent development version installed, please don't forget to mention which version you are using when describing a possible bug, a regression or lack of feature.

> but I would expect to have the handles in or around the object
> that has a pattern, and not somewhere else on the document.

Needs further investigation… (possibly 'userSpaceOnUse' vs 'objectBoundingBox' - AFAIU Inkscape currently only supports 'patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse"' in pattern definitions).

> Is it possible to have skew too?

No, not with the current implementation.

> Further, testing pattern adjustment, I have set pattern
> not to be transformed with the shape.
> When I resize the shape, the pattern is transformed until
> I finish the shape resizing.
> Then the pattern comes back to its original shape and this
> makes hard to estimate the right shape size compared to
> the pattern appearance.

Known issue, same with the other 'Affects:' options, tracked in
Bug #165727 in Inkscape: “display is wrong when transforming by mouse”

Alternatively, you can always edit the geometry of the object (with the rectangle tool, or the node tool, or what shape tool applies), instead of transforming (scaling, stretching or squeezing) the current selection. Editing the geometry of the object will not affect the pattern scaling or position (unlike the transformations with the select tool).