Comment 3 for bug 813886

Revision history for this message
su_v (suv-lp) wrote : Re: Save as EPS or PS doesn't work on linux

Not directly related to the platform, but to the cairo version used:

Not reproduced with Inkscape 0.48.1 and 0.48+devel r10325 built with and using cairo 1.8.10
Reproduced with Inkscape 0.48.1, 0.48+devel r10237, r10325 and r10481 builit with cairo 1.10.2
Rperoduced with Inkscape 0.48+devel r10483 built and using cairo 1.11.2
(all tested on Mac OS X 10.4.8 (i386))

Most likely related to or a duplicate of
Bug #645256 in Inkscape: “Incomplete picture when saving in eps”

Missing objects in this example file are clones (<use>) of paths stored in individual <defs> sections (there are no real text objects in the file exported from matplotlib), e.g. the centered 'x' label of the horizontal axis:

<g id="text7">
<path id="c_801fe2e877fad46da27c898b407b3b54" d="M54.890625 -54.687500l-19.781250 26.609375l20.796875 28.078125l-10.593750 0.000000l-15.921875 -21.484375l-15.906250 21.484375l-10.609375 0.000000l21.250000 -28.609375l-19.437500 -26.078125l10.593750 0.000000l14.500000 19.484375l14.500000 -19.484375z"/>
<g style="fill: #000000; opacity: 1.000000" transform="translate(292.020312,285.280625)scale(0.120000)">
<use xlink:href="#c_801fe2e877fad46da27c898b407b3b54"/>