Comment 11 for bug 777567

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Dale Walton (dale-walton) wrote :

RE my comment 10 hrs ago:

There seem to be two independent problems: One involved the spell checker which I found invoked in the function window minimized. So when I was working on the drawing and tried to clone with alt D the program instead highlighted the first text in the file and wrote dictionary files to the same directory as my drawing file.

The second has to do with full screen mode. - When I toggle to full screen mode (View/fullscreen), the bars are there, but there is no button to exit the program. When I toggle off the bars are missing as in my jpg (window maximized or not). Restarting the program after exiting from either mode still leaves the problem.

Work arounds are
1) use it without scroll bars (mouse key works for vertical scrolling, but how do I scroll horizontally?
2) use it in full screen mode only.

Or maybe reinstall?