Comment 2 for bug 627728

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su_v (suv-lp) wrote :

In parts reproduced with Inkscape 0.47 and 0.48+devel r9736 on OS X 10.5.8

> When I add gradient nodes while working with the Node tool,
> the newly-added node is not the active one. Changing colors
> or alpha will instead affect the FIRST node in the gradient.

a) Gradient Editor (deprecated): reproduced when adding a gradient stop in the gradient editor dialog (independent of tool context)
b) Gradient Tool: not reproduced when using the newer gradient tool (keyboard shortcut 'g') to edit the gradient on canvas.

> If I adjust the position of a node I've just been working on,
> then change color values, the first node is the one to see
> the change.

Unclear - adjusting a node of the path or a stop of the gradient?

Not reproduced:
a) Gradient Editor (deprecated): changing the position of a gradient stop in the gradient editor dialog keeps that stop active and affected when changing the stop color using the color sliders in the same dialog.
b) Gradient Tool: changing the color of a selected gradient stop on-canvas always works as expected, independent from having dragged its position or not.

> Also, the selected nodes don't change color, or at least do so
> temporarily...most of the time, nodes are white whether I've succeeded
> in making them active or not. I have to rely on the Gradient Editor
> "flickering" once to indicate whether I've selected one node from
> another.

Unclear - selecting a gradient stop in the (deprecated) Gradient Editor is not reflected by the selection of the corresponding gradient stop on-canvas and vice-versa?