Comment 4 for bug 1608906

Revision history for this message
Hachmann (marenhachmann) wrote :

Explanations and Comments:

- in menu "Filter", submenu "Verzerren" what the fuck is "Läppen"? There's the swabian/south german dialect word "läppern"/"Läppern" – is that what is meant here?;

German: Läppen gibt es. Das bedeutet soviel wie 'viele zungenförmige Ausläufer hinzufügen'

- status bar description of item "Posterzeichnung" in menu "Filter", submenu "Bild malen und zeichnen" reads "Verbessern und neuzeichnen von Kanten um posterisierte Flächen herum" – "posterisierte" seems to be a word creation here whereas there's an existing word of quite different meaning;

What would you suggest instead?

Now committed to Eduard's github repo:
- separation; decide whether to use hyphenated (e.g. "Alpha-Gravur") or ("Alphagravur") – currently there's both;
- in menu "Filter", submenu "Farbe" there's two times an item called "Präzisionsausrichtung RGB"...;
- in menu "Pfad", item "Pfadeffekte ..." maybe eliminate space like in all other item labels;
- with menu "Filter", submenu "Raue Texturen", item "Leinwand" the status bar description ("Malerei Leinwand-Prägeeffekt") has a Deppenleerzeichen – remove space, write "Malereileinwand-Prägeeffekt";
- with menu "Filter", submenu "Übersteigerte Schattierungen", item "Gefrorenes Glas", status bar description ("Satin Glaseffekt") has Deppenleerzeichen – replace space with hyphen;
- in menu "Filter", submenu "Wölbung", item label "schmuckes Gelee" should have first letter capitalized for uniformity;
- with menu "Text", item "Umbruch an Form anpassen", in the status bar description ", so daß" should read ", so dass" or ", sodass" following newer official spelling rules;
- with menu "Pfad", item "Bitmap nachzeichnen...", in the status bar description "Erzeuge einen oder mehrere Pfade durch das Nachzeichnen eines Bitmaps" the english loan word "Bitmap" is used with a weird gender which may arguably be ambiguous – one could use the German word "Rastergrafik" instead of "Bitmap", though, with the added benefit of easier interpretation for most people, i guess;
- with menu "Ebene", item "Aktuelle Ebene sperren/entsperren", in the status bar description ("Sperre auf aktuellen Layer umschalten") the word "Layer" should be replaced with "Ebene", same as everywhere else (i think it's also misleading because of some erroneous conjugation atm – "aktuellen" vs. "aktuellem", accusative vs. dative case?);
- with menu "Bearbeiten", item "Eingabegeräte...", in status bar description text "wie z.B. Grafiktabletts" insert half-width space between "z." and "B.", same in description text of menu "Datei", item "Dokument säubern"

The rest was already fixed.

Thanks for your help, speckmade!