Comment 38 for bug 334544

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Jan Vornberger (javlp) wrote :

I find the choice of Super+S as the keyboard shortcut for the indicator applet very unfortunate and would like to voice my support for changing it.

I agree that a keyboard shortcut for this functionality is good to have, but it will be rarely used throught the day, so please don't "waste" a handy shortcut like Super+S on this. Make it a two modifier thing. Lucian Adrian Grijincu mentioned Ctrl+Alt+S (in line with things like Ctrl+Alt+D to show the desktop) which seems to me like a good choice. From what I can tell it also doesn't conflict with anything on my Lucid Lynx installation. It is also a more universal solution, since there are still a few users with keyboards that don't have a super key.

As the author of Bluetile ( ) I would appreciate this change, since Bluetile's standard keyboard shortcuts already include Super+S. If this will not be changed in Ubuntu, I guess I will have to switch to alternative keys. But again, I find it a waste to use a 'premium' shortcut like Super+S for a task that will be rarely performed.