Comment 1 for bug 792659

Revision history for this message
tmodes (tmodes) wrote :

That's not a good style to put so much in one ticket. This makes it difficult to keep track of the individual features. Better would be to fill several smaller tickets.

> * add a switch to start it "nice" (to leave priority to the user interaction with Hugin)

What is "nice"? That's a very weak description. I don't know what you want.

> * add a switch to start minimized. Even better: make the application live in the notification tray, with an icon that shows the status (idle/ processing/ exception)

Already (partially) implemented. It would be easy to implement different icons, but someone has to design them.

> * add a switch to save log files. finer grained: all log files / only failed log files / no saved log files. filename: project.pto.log (then we can make it a default procedure when reporting bugs to attach the pto, and pto.log files)

The current behaviour is that failed log files are automatically saved. Do we really need to save all log files?

> * the delete *.pto files option looks very dangerous to me. Is it really necessary there?

Why did you have it then also pulled into the new preferences of hugin?

> * I would like to be able to select multiple projects at once and then hit the delete key. At this moment it does not work here.

This is a duplicate of ticket #679177