Comment 13 for bug 885320

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Reda Lazri (0rAX0) (0rax0) wrote : Re: GTG needs a GTK3 port and a UI redesign

So, the user can actually drag a task from a list(or the inbox?) and drop it on another list?

What's the purpose of Workview? I tried it, but couldn't see its role.

I removed the 'Have a date', I also changed the section to "notifications"; The user will be notified about his overdue tasks now in case he was covered (the case were you put it in the task list, scrolling down will cover it.). So, I think 'the Overdue notification' is a must.

The inbox, is the place where you receive tasks from other backends(RTM, GTasks, Evolution...). I tried to sync my tasks with the current build 0.3dev, GTG added them to the main list directly, I want to give the users the privilege of choosing where to put these new tasks. Also it has to be a notification about it in case of a collaboration(where someone adds a task in RTM for you). A very detailed mockup will give a clearer image, please, let me finish it and you'll see how cool it is :D.

'Starred' was removed!

What new button?

I was going to propose the same idea too. I will make something for it.

The treeview is bad, confusing and old IMHO. I was thinking about 'Smart lists' instead, this is how they work:
I have 10 tasks with the tags of: sports, daily, home, wife. Creating a list with the name of 'Personal' and specifying the same tags in it(mockup in the works) will add all these 10 tasks to 'Personal' automagically! How about that, no need to the parent tag and it will make the life of millions easier. :)

I will either add 'Online services' to the sidebar. OR, we add special tags for every service i.e. "rtm" for RTM and let the user decide if he wants to add a (neW)list for it using the smart lists idea.

I will have to think about that too.

I changed things about the search(see mockups), and I need some explanations about the live lists :)

OK, removed the need for a main menu, backends and configuration should be integrated in the same window and launched from the 'settings' button. the plugins have to be configured from there too. (see Gedit)

I will take care of the Home screen when its time comes, I'm glad we agreed on its importance. :)

About Sushi, I had an idea about a quick previewer(probably a nice way to see everything about a selected task) for GTG, still needs thinking. let's skip this item for the time being.

OK, cleaned! How about now? :D

About the mockups:

- There's now an 'omni' section. it should host everything: tasks, searches and another view(not done yet)
- You can now search : text, tags and even colors!
- I changed few things too.