Comment 4 for bug 615027

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Bryce Harrington (bryce) wrote :

I think to solve this bug we should update the default set of tasks. Currently they include a couple tags (@money and @to_pay IIRC).

Instead, I think we should have the default task set include two more tags: @personal and @work. If possible, one of the original tags should be a child of one or the other of these, to show the tag hierarchy explicitly. The tutorial should also direct the user in moving the original tags to be children of @personal or @work.

By using @personal and @work high level tags, and walking the user through adding tags to them, it will subtly nudge them towards organizing their projects and tasks according to this type of split, since I think this approach enables them to best maximize the use of gtg's features.

I could easily see people wanting to ultimately have separate backends each for personal and work tasks, so getting them pointed in the direction to organize tasks by @personal and @work will help get them started in a direction that will simplify their life if/when they want to split things into two backends.

Luca, does this make sense? Bertrand if you're watching I'd also like to hear your feedback on this from a UI perspective.