Comment 0 for bug 1001012

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Roquentin (antonio-roquentin-deactivatedaccount) wrote :

I would like to suggest a slight enhancement to the notification area plugin. The notification icon could be colored differently according to whether there are urgent tasks to do or not.

Use case: I wake up in the morning and I want to know if there is anything urgent to do today. I could have a look at the notification area and see, for instance, the icon colored

- green if there are tasks due soon ("danger zone", see below)
- red if there are tasks due today or overdue tasks
- white if there is nothing urgent to do

If the icon is white, I can relax and have my coffee without even opening the GTG main window. In the end, the purpose of the notification area is to notify people of events that require their attention, not simply to provide an extra launcher for the application.

For tasks that are due "soon", one could define a "danger zone" for urgent tasks in a way similar (or even identical) to the urgency color plugin.