Comment 3 for bug 242429

Revision history for this message
Uli Fouquet (uli-gnufix) wrote :

Why 'find-links' has been readded?

After removing it from grokproject we had several complaints on the mailing-list about "incompatibilities" with megrok.from and dependent packages. megrok.form depends (indirectly) on packages not available at the standard PyPI, z3c.javascript. for instance.

During discussion it turned out, that there are also other problems with these dependency packages (legal ones).

IMO there are two ways to solve this issue:

1) Simply remove 'find-links' from grokproject. In this case we had to face complaints again and a reduced "user experience".

2) Release a version of megrok.form not depending on that unwanted packages any more and remove 'find-links' afterwards. I think Santiago tried to do so, yet without complete success if I do not miss anything.

What way should we go?