Comment 8 for bug 1277720

Revision history for this message
Alex Wang (alex-wang1) wrote :

Thanks Fei Long, I was installed by manually. glance was work fine, since I created a around 4Gb Window7-sp1 image file thru dashboard successfully, for the time being, those images files I was created and showing in the image database which all disappeared, and the image item in the horizon doe NOT work any more.
Could you help me to point out what's wrong with my glance-api-paste.ini file?! Since I only added in following messages as installation guide said:
paste.filter_factory = keystoneclient.middleware.auth_token:filter_factory
auth_host =
admin_user = glance
admin_tenant_name = service
admin_password = GLANCE_PASS
The rest of paragraphs all keep original as follow:
# Use this pipeline for no auth or image caching - DEFAULT
pipeline = versionnegotiation unauthenticated-context rootapp

# Use this pipeline for image caching and no auth
pipeline = versionnegotiation unauthenticated-context cache rootapp

# Use this pipeline for caching w/ management interface but no auth
pipeline = versionnegotiation unauthenticated-context cache cachemanage rootapp

# Use this pipeline for keystone auth
pipeline = versionnegotiation authtoken context rootapp

# Use this pipeline for keystone auth with image caching
pipeline = versionnegotiation authtoken context cache rootapp

# Use this pipeline for keystone auth with caching and cache management
pipeline = versionnegotiation authtoken context cache cachemanage rootapp

# Use this pipeline for authZ only. This means that the registry will treat a
# user as authenticated without making requests to keystone to reauthenticate
# the user.
pipeline = versionnegotiation context rootapp

# Use this pipeline for authZ only. This means that the registry will treat a
# user as authenticated without making requests to keystone to reauthenticate
# the user and uses cache management
pipeline = versionnegotiation context cache cachemanage rootapp

delay_auth_decision = true
paste.composite_factory = glance.api:root_app_factory
/: apiversions
/v1: apiv1app
/v2: apiv2app

paste.app_factory = glance.api.versions:create_resource

paste.app_factory = glance.api.v1.router:API.factory

paste.app_factory = glance.api.v2.router:API.factory

paste.filter_factory = glance.api.middleware.version_negotiation:VersionNegotiationFilter.factory

paste.filter_factory = glance.api.middleware.cache:CacheFilter.factory

paste.filter_factory = glance.api.middleware.cache_manage:CacheManageFilter.factory

paste.filter_factory = glance.api.middleware.context:ContextMiddleware.factory

paste.filter_factory = glance.api.middleware.context:UnauthenticatedContextMiddleware.factory

paste.filter_factory = keystoneclient.middleware.auth_token:filter_factory
auth_host =
admin_user = glance
admin_tenant_name = service
admin_password = GLANCE_PASS

paste.filter_factory = glance.api.middleware.gzip:GzipMiddleware.factory

I hesitated to re-install Havana is because I spent a lot of time already, and built a lot of things, this project time is limited for me.
Would you discuss with other glance bug subscribers to help me done with this image creating processing.
I really appreciated.