Comment 7 for bug 1648359

Revision history for this message
TatyanaGladysheva (tgladysheva) wrote :

Verified on 9.2 snapshot #567.

Steps to verify:
1. Deploy Fuel 9.0 RC2 from image (Build 495)
2. Upgrade the fuel master node to 9.2
3. Change operator_user's name value from 'fueladmin' to 'root' and operator_user's homedir value from '/home/fueladmin' to '/root' in /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nailgun/fixtures/openstack.yaml
4. systemctl restart nailgun
5. Apply workaround for bug (changes in openstack.yaml are not applied after upgrade to 9.2 by default, we need to set name and homedir values manually in db):
sudo -u postgres psql
\c nailgun
update releases set attributes_metadata = regexp_replace(attributes_metadata, '"value": "fueladmin"', '"value": "root"');
update releases set attributes_metadata = regexp_replace(attributes_metadata, '"value": "\/home\/fueladmin"', '"value": "/root"');
6. Create cluster with 1 controller, add mos9.0-proposed repo and deploy it

Actual results:
Deployment is finished successfully.