Comment 0 for bug 1644871

Revision history for this message
Vladimir Sharshov (vsharshov) wrote :

Detailed bug description:

  Fuel failed with wrong tasks order in fuel 8.0 with installed
  plugin fuel-plugin-lma-collector when try to add new node in already installed plugin

  Core reason: Nailgun process tasks with wrong priority. Task lma-base should run
  before lma-main-controller

  It works in case of main deploy, but failed second time.

Steps to reproduce:
  1. Create new cluster with activated LMA plugin
  2. Deploy cluster with controllers and computes
  3. Add new compute and run deploy

Expected results:

  Deploy succeed. LMA works

Actual result:

  Deploy succeed. LMA was not worked on new compute nodes





 <put your information here>
Description of the environment:
 Operation system: <put your information here>
 Versions of components: <put your information here>
 Reference architecture: <put your information here>
 Network model: <put your information here>
 Related projects installed: <put your information here>
Additional information:

   Example of wrong priority. Task with less priority field run early.

  puppet_modules: puppet/modules:/etc/puppet/modules
  puppet_manifest: puppet/manifests/base.pp
  timeout: 600
  cwd: /etc/fuel/plugins/lma_collector-0.10/
priority: 1600
fail_on_error: true
type: puppet
id: lma-base

  puppet_modules: puppet/modules:/etc/puppet/modules
  puppet_manifest: puppet/manifests/controller.pp
  timeout: 600
  cwd: /etc/fuel/plugins/lma_collector-0.10/
priority: 1100
fail_on_error: true
type: puppet
id: lma-main-controller