Comment 0 for bug 2007322

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Galen Charlton (gmc) wrote :

As there is no server-side solution yet for bug 1847805, I propose a client-side amelioration to the problem that a eg-combobox that does a PCRUD retrieval of entries can fail to include rows that the user is permitted to access.

I note bug 1999544 as an example of this: while the patch that was pushed ameliorates the problem in cases when ordering for a single branch or where funds are owned that the system level and above, I am concerned that it can artificially limit the set of available funds when doing centralized ordering that uses decentralized funds. Specifically, the set of funds that a staff user may be permitted to see may extend well past the funds visible to their workstation and its ancestors.

To square the circle, I propose adding an option to eg-combobox that would specify adding a filter based on the OUs that the user has retrieval permission for. Specifically, it might do something like this:

- Check to see if retrieval permission is tied to an OU (i.e., isn't global_required per the IDL). If so, continue on; otherwise, just do the PCRUD search normally.
- Get the list of OUs at which the staff user has retrieval permission. A new method wrapping permission.usr_has_perm_at_all() would be needed.
- Construct a query clause that limits the retrieved rows by OUs. If the OU check is simple (i.e., the IDL specified a context_field), that's straightforward. If it's instead a foreign context (via <context link...), the clause would need to be the JSON query equivalent of a WHERE field IN (SELECT ...)
- Combine the filter clause with any other query elements using "-and"
- Run the query.

This approach would ignore object-level permissions, but 99% of the time they don't matter.

This would allow more precise filtering of queries to populate the eg-combobox with less need for hand-constructed filter conditions that may not have the right semantics.

Evergreen master