Comment 1 for bug 1925829

Revision history for this message
Chrisy Schroth (cschroth) wrote :

I have experienced something similar with my own personal holds on versions of Evergreen we have used in the past, where I've picked up something I had suspended from the shelf and checked it out to myself. My suspended hold remained in place, making me think I hadn't yet read the book. I DID just do some testing on 3-4-6, placed a hold on a made up item, suspended it, and then checked it out to the same card. The item checked out, and the hold remained.

Related issue:
On a previous version of Evergreen I placed a large number of items on hold from the branches to be sent to me for a reclassification project. They arrived at my location in transit status. Normal procedure for would be to check them in with Circulation to put them in hold shelf status, then open my account and scan them all in again to check them out to myself. Since I knew they were all on hold for me, and in an admitted fit of laziness, I decided to just open my account and scan them in once. They each popped up a message saying they weren't in an ideal status to check out (transit) and I could click to override it and check out the item.

I made my changes to the records, relabeled the items, and scanned them in again to send them in transit back to their branches. And had every one of them pop up as on the hold shelf for me, because even though I overrode the transit status and checked them out, they did not capture my holds. Because I tried to avoid having to scan them each in 3 times, I wound up having to scan them all in 4 times, as I checked them out again, and then back in again to transit them to the branches.