Comment 2 for bug 1810848

Revision history for this message
Michele Morgan (mmorgan) wrote :

Evergreen 3.6 - Staff Client TPAC

This issue was reported today by one of our libraries. It appears to be opac invisibility of the title (either set directly in attached items, or inherited from the items' statuses or shelving locations) that prevents the items from being added to the basket.

If the title is not visible in the public catalog, it can't be added to a basket in the TPAC staff catalog.

I was not able to confirm Elaine's comment #1 about non-holdable items. I was able to add titles whose items are visible, but not holdable to a basket without an issue.

Note that this is not an issue in the Angular staff catalog. Titles are successfully added to baskets if they are opac invisible.