Comment 2 for bug 1643998

Revision history for this message
Ben Shum (bshum) wrote :

I think Terran might have meant /etc/apache2/eg_vhost.conf (not in sites-available subdir) in the original description. But otherwise, that seems logical. I'm not sure if we want to keep adding additional languages into the examples already setup there, but I'll leave that for others to comment on.

For Jeanette's question, there was an email thread awhile back where we discussed Evergreen translation by the numbers and came up with some rough estimation of what the community at large would consider "supported". This is a link to that discussion thread:

As a baseline (cause using a translation requires more work if you have catalog customizations, etc. that require additional translation work beyond what is initially provided), I think we can reasonably say some, but not all contain enough translation strings to give you enough to start with. From the email thread, the following languages were listed out (and still appear relevant to me):

cs-CZ -- Czech
hy-AM -- Armenian
fi-FI -- Finnish
en-CA -- English (Canada)
en-GB -- English (UK)
pt-BR -- Brazilian Portuguese
fr-CA -- French
es-ES -- Spanish

Also, I know there's movement on Arabic translation (ar-AR currently, though there is bug 697926 to someday soon change that to ar-JO since the localization effort is being done in Jordan, not Argentina). So I would consider adding Arabic in a future release once support for RTL (right to left) languages is worked out and added to core code.