Comment 0 for bug 1205498

Revision history for this message
Galen Charlton (gmc) wrote :

At the moment, if an item has a rental fee associated with, if a patron checks out such an item and attempts to renew it, the renewal fails. At the moment, this is because of a crash -- see bug 1205492 -- but even after that bug is fixed, it would fail because TPac currently has no way of specifying overrides when invoking open-ils.circ.renew.

Better would be to allowing the patron to confirm that they really want to renew such loans. This might be done by mirroring the staff client workflow, where first the attempt to renew is made, then the patron is given a chance to override for the affected loans (assuming that they have been granted the ITEM_RENTAL_FEE_REQUIRED.override permission).

Evergreen master