Comment 22 for bug 500185

Revision history for this message (paxton-jeffrey) wrote :

Hi all!

I love Docky. It's the best dock app out there. It's very simple, does exactly what I need it to to, and supports my dual head setup. (AWN goofed right up when I installed my second monitor.) I would like to see 2 things however. First, I'm not a fan of the Docky icon at the left of the dock. I would like to remove this and add a file browser launcher in it's place. (Like Apple's Finder icon). Second, I would like to see a better way of adding launchers implemented. Dragging launchers from the menus to the dock is very simple but sometimes I want to add a launcher that is not in my menus or customize a launcher (like adding gksu to wireshark).

I have upgraded to the latest Docky (2.0.6) and edited the proper key in gconf-editor. The anchor icon is still there. How can i remove it? Thank You.