Comment 9 for bug 378718

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Nicola Ferralis (feranick) wrote :

I tried to backport openvpn from intrepid. Things are however not either simple or just a matter of a recompile from intrepid. The latest version of openvpn in intrepid depends on a newer version of openssl also from intrepid. So if we go by a recompile, then, lots of packages need to be recompiled (including some low level ones, like openssl).

Canonical must decide if this strategy of mixing packages from intrepid and hardy should go to the full extent. Obviously this cherry picking has some serious consequences, as this and many other bugs show), that so far haven't been addressed properly.

If openvpn is really needed, there is a complete PPA with backports from intrepid to hardy of network-manager and related packages (including openvpn). Some of the packages offered are older versions of those in current intrepid, so they might be affected by vulnerabilities.