Comment 27 for bug 414068

Revision history for this message
cologic (cologic) wrote :

Tha Jsta: It'll be fixed in the next DC++ version.

Gabberworld: If one wants to apply some arbitrary constraints to nicks, emails, and descriptions, one is free as a hub administrator to do so. If one limits them all to 35 characters, the bandwidth usage of the hub should be exactly the same as it is today, modulo some clients sending a slightly larger $MyINFO the hub has to edit. But since broadcasts form the bulk of a hub's bandwidth usage and hubs are perfectly capable of truncating or rejecting nicks, emails, and descriptions which violate any rules they might contain, hubs are under no obligation to send larger DC messages than today. I'm not disputing the utility of limits, I'm disputing the utility of relying on clients to enforce limits.