Comment 2 for bug 1183759

Revision history for this message
Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) wrote :

The upgrade might have been part-way through yesterday. So you might have error reports for two versions of Ubuntu from the same machine yesterday, *without* it being a dual-boot.

Conversely, you might get reports from a machine for version N up to a given date, and only version N+1 for the next two weeks ... and then one for N again after that. It was a dual boot, but version N wasn't being used much (or was luckily avoiding errors).

So I don't think it's a matter of waiting, is it? If you get a report for version N+1, assume that the machine has upgraded. If you ever get another report for version N from the same machine, assume that it's a dual-boot. If they've actually downgraded, N+1 will fade out over 90 days.

This is all papering over bug 1046269 -- we're dividing by numbers of machines rather than by actual hours of use. That a machine is a dual-boot doesn't add more hours to the day in which the machine can experience errors. The machine I'm using right now is a triple-boot, but I seldom use the other installations.