Comment 0 for bug 1442308

Revision history for this message
Curtis Hovey (sinzui) wrote : 1.23 cannot deploy on vivid, but master can

Per bug 1436415 and bug 1441319, juju 1.23 on vivid cannot do a trivial deployment because it cannot clone templates to make the containers.

    agent-state: started
    agent-version: 1.23-beta4.1
    dns-name: localhost
    instance-id: localhost
    series: vivid
    state-server-member-status: has-vote
    agent-state-info: 'failed to retrieve the template to clone: template container
      "juju-vivid-lxc-template" did not stop'
    instance-id: pending
    series: vivid
    agent-state-info: 'lxc container cloning failed: cannot clone a running container'
    instance-id: pending
    series: vivid

All the logs for several tries are available for local-deploy-vivid-amd64 (non-voting) at
^ The console log and the machine logs are present.
Note the test was made none voting because vivid became very unstable when it switch to systemd, but Ubuntu will require this test to pass to accept this in Vivid. So Core or Ubuntu need to solve what ever is broken. The Vivid's lxc has gotten updates so we know there were bugs in lxc that needed fixing.

But as of a few commits ago, master (1.24) can! It has passed twice without human intervention. 1.23 has some of the commits just added to master, but not all. A possible fix may be in
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