Comment 18 for bug 1367943

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arspr (arspr) wrote :

Perfect Charles, I've just tested your new function.

I've used it in a new column which I've called "#global_author_sort". And then, through another one, {:'strcmp(field('#global_author_sort'), field('author_sort'), 'Yes', 'No', 'Yes')'}, I've set up a quick test where I can easily see which books seem to have a bogus Author Sort value.

(Playing with it I've discovered

Now I have another question: is there a function to call the sorting process Calibre perform in titles? I mean the process Calibre follows to fill "title_sort" from "title" by default. I would like to built up a similar auxiliary column in order to quickly detect possible strange values in "title_sort". Something like:

{:'strcmp(the_function_I_am_asking_about(field('title'), maybe_language_code_also_needed_here), field('title_sort'), 'Yes', 'No', 'Yes')'}