Comment 4 for bug 1360379

Revision history for this message
GoodGuy98 (goodguy-98-pc) wrote :

Here is the output of running calibre-debug -g in a Command Prompt in case this helps.

[C:\] calibre-debug -g
Failed to unpickle stored object:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "site-packages\calibre\utils\", line 215, in refresh
ImportError: ('No module named PyQt4.QtCore', <built-in function _unpickle_enum>, ('PyQt4.QtCore', 'SortOrder', 1))
calibre 2.0 isfrozen: True is64bit: False
Windows-XP-5.1.2600-SP3 Windows ('32bit', 'WindowsPE')
('Windows', 'XP', '5.1.2600')
Python 2.7.8
Windows: ('XP', '5.1.2600', 'SP3', 'Multiprocessor Free')
