Error when compiling 1.7 with Mac OS X 10.4.11

Bug #380043 reported by rroonnaann
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Fix Released
Sean M. Pappalardo
Fix Released
Sean M. Pappalardo

Bug Description

scons: Reading SConscript files ...
Platform: OS X
WE ARE IN: /Users/ronan/Desktop/1.7/mixxx/osx_build
QT path: /Library/Qt/
Loading qt4 tool...
Checking for C library portaudio... (cached) yes
Checking for C library id3tag... (cached) yes
Checking for C library mad... (cached) yes
Checking for C library sndfile... (cached) yes
Checking for C library vorbisfile... (cached) yes
Checking for C library vorbis... (cached) yes
Checking for C library ogg... (cached) yes
Checking for C library mp4... (cached) no
Checking for C library faad... (cached) no
Checking for C library GL... (cached) no
Checking for C library opengl32... (cached) no
Checking for C header file /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Headers/gl.h... (cached) yes
Checking for C library GLU... (cached) no
Checking for C library glu32... (cached) no
Checking for C header file /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Headers/glu.h... (cached) yes
Not working FFMPEG support... disabled
Checking for C++ header file /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreMIDI.framework/Headers/CoreMIDI.h... (cached) yes

Features Summary:
libdjconsole support... disabled
High quality EQs... enabled
iPod support... disabled
Shoutcast support... disabled
LADSPA support... enabled
Vinyl Control... enabled
Tonal analysis... disabled
Apple M4A audio file support... disabled
Test suite... disabled
MixxxScript Studio... disabled
MIDI Scripting... enabled
Optimizations... enabled
gprof profiling support... disabled
Optimizing for this CPU... no
MSVS 2005 hacks... disabled
Force 32-bit compile... disabled
Case Metrics profiling... disabled
Building with flags: hifieq ladspa vinylcontrol midiscript optimize=1

scons: done reading SConscript files.
scons: Building targets ...
g++ -o osx_build/mixxx -framework OpenGL -framework QtCore -framework QtOpenGL -framework Qt3Support -framework QtGui -framework QtXml -framework QtNetwork -framework QtSql -framework QtScript -framework CoreMIDI -framework CoreFoundation -framework CoreAudio -framework Carbon -framework Quicktime -framework AudioToolbox -framework AudioUnit -pipe -Wall -W -g -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib osx_build/input.o osx_build/trackplaylistlist.o osx_build/mixxxkeyboard.o osx_build/configobject.o osx_build/controlobjectthread.o osx_build/controlobjectthreadwidget.o osx_build/controlobjectthreadmain.o osx_build/controlevent.o osx_build/controllogpotmeter.o osx_build/controlobject.o osx_build/controlnull.o osx_build/controlpotmeter.o osx_build/controlpushbutton.o osx_build/controlttrotary.o osx_build/controlbeat.o osx_build/dlgpreferences.o osx_build/dlgprefsound.o osx_build/dlgprefmidibindings.o osx_build/dlgprefplaylist.o osx_build/dlgprefnomidi.o osx_build/dlgprefcontrols.o osx_build/dlgbpmtap.o osx_build/dlgprefbpm.o osx_build/dlgbpmscheme.o osx_build/dlgabout.o osx_build/dlgprefeq.o osx_build/dlgprefcrossfader.o osx_build/dlgmidilearning.o osx_build/engine/enginebuffercue.o osx_build/engine/enginebuffer.o osx_build/engine/enginebufferscale.o osx_build/engine/enginebufferscaledummy.o osx_build/engine/enginebufferscalelinear.o osx_build/engine/enginebufferscalereal.o osx_build/engine/engineclipping.o osx_build/engine/enginefilterblock.o osx_build/engine/enginefilteriir.o osx_build/engine/enginefilter.o osx_build/engine/engineobject.o osx_build/engine/enginepregain.o osx_build/engine/enginevolume.o osx_build/engine/enginechannel.o osx_build/engine/enginemaster.o osx_build/engine/enginedelay.o osx_build/engine/engineflanger.o osx_build/engine/enginespectralfwd.o osx_build/engine/enginevumeter.o osx_build/engine/enginevinylsoundemu.o osx_build/engine/enginesidechain.o osx_build/engine/enginefilterbutterworth8.o osx_build/engine/enginexfader.o osx_build/analyserqueue.o osx_build/analyserwavesummary.o osx_build/analyserbpm.o osx_build/analyserwaveform.o osx_build/main.o osx_build/midiobject.o osx_build/midimapping.o osx_build/midiobjectnull.o osx_build/mididevicehandler.o osx_build/midiinputmappingtablemodel.o osx_build/midioutputmappingtablemodel.o osx_build/midichanneldelegate.o osx_build/midistatusdelegate.o osx_build/midinodelegate.o osx_build/midioptiondelegate.o osx_build/controlgroupdelegate.o osx_build/controlvaluedelegate.o osx_build/midimessage.o osx_build/mixxxcontrol.o osx_build/mixxx.o osx_build/mixxxview.o osx_build/errordialog.o osx_build/upgrade.o osx_build/soundsource.o osx_build/soundsourcemp3.o osx_build/soundsourceoggvorbis.o osx_build/widget/wwidget.o osx_build/widget/wlabel.o osx_build/widget/wnumber.o osx_build/widget/wnumberpos.o osx_build/widget/wnumberrate.o osx_build/widget/wnumberbpm.o osx_build/widget/wknob.o osx_build/widget/wdisplay.o osx_build/widget/wvumeter.o osx_build/widget/wpushbutton.o osx_build/widget/wslidercomposed.o osx_build/widget/wslider.o osx_build/widget/wstatuslight.o osx_build/widget/woverview.o osx_build/widget/wskincolor.o osx_build/widget/wabstractcontrol.o osx_build/widget/wsearchlineedit.o osx_build/widget/wpixmapstore.o osx_build/widget/hexspinbox.o osx_build/mathstuff.o osx_build/readerextract.o osx_build/readerextractwave.o osx_build/readerevent.o osx_build/rtthread.o osx_build/windowkaiser.o osx_build/probabilityvector.o osx_build/reader.o osx_build/peaklist.o osx_build/rotary.o osx_build/track.o osx_build/trackcollection.o osx_build/trackplaylist.o osx_build/wtracktableview.o osx_build/wtracktablemodel.o osx_build/wpromotracksmodel.o osx_build/proxymodel.o osx_build/xmlparse.o osx_build/trackimporter.o osx_build/parser.o osx_build/parserpls.o osx_build/parserm3u.o osx_build/bpm/bpmscheme.o osx_build/soundsourceproxy.o osx_build/widget/wvisualsimple.o osx_build/widget/wwaveformviewer.o osx_build/widget/wglwaveformviewer.o osx_build/waveformviewerfactory.o osx_build/waveform/waveformrenderer.o osx_build/waveform/waveformrenderbackground.o osx_build/waveform/waveformrendersignal.o osx_build/waveform/waveformrendersignalpixmap.o osx_build/waveform/waveformrendermark.o osx_build/waveform/waveformrenderbeat.o osx_build/imginvert.o osx_build/imgloader.o osx_build/imgcolor.o osx_build/trackinfoobject.o osx_build/midiledhandler.o osx_build/sounddevice.o osx_build/soundmanager.o osx_build/sounddeviceportaudio.o osx_build/dlgprefrecord.o osx_build/recording/enginerecord.o osx_build/recording/writeaudiofile.o osx_build/wtracktablefilter.o osx_build/wplaylistlistmodel.o osx_build/libraryscanner.o osx_build/libraryscannerdlg.o osx_build/playerinfo.o osx_build/segmentation.o osx_build/midiobjectcoremidi.o osx_build/soundsourcesndfile.o res/qrc_mixxx.o osx_build/engine/enginebufferscalest.o lib/soundtouch-1.4.1/SoundTouch.o lib/soundtouch-1.4.1/TDStretch.o lib/soundtouch-1.4.1/RateTransposer.o lib/soundtouch-1.4.1/AAFilter.o lib/soundtouch-1.4.1/FIFOSampleBuffer.o lib/soundtouch-1.4.1/FIRFilter.o lib/soundtouch-1.4.1/PeakFinder.o lib/soundtouch-1.4.1/BPMDetect.o lib/soundtouch-1.4.1/cpu_detect_x86_gcc.o lib/kissfft/kiss_fft.o lib/fidlib-0.9.9/fidlib.o osx_build/engine/engineladspa.o osx_build/ladspa/ladspaloader.o osx_build/ladspa/ladspalibrary.o osx_build/ladspa/ladspaplugin.o osx_build/ladspa/ladspainstance.o osx_build/ladspa/ladspacontrol.o osx_build/ladspa/ladspainstancestereo.o osx_build/ladspa/ladspainstancemono.o osx_build/ladspaview.o osx_build/ladspa/ladspapreset.o osx_build/ladspa/ladspapresetmanager.o osx_build/ladspa/ladspapresetknob.o osx_build/ladspa/ladspapresetinstance.o osx_build/dlgladspa.o osx_build/ladspa/ladspapresetslot.o osx_build/vinylcontrol.o osx_build/vinylcontrolproxy.o osx_build/vinylcontrolscratchlib.o osx_build/vinylcontrolxwax.o osx_build/dlgprefvinyl.o osx_build/vinylcontrolsignalwidget.o osx_build/engine/enginevinylcontrol.o lib/xwax/timecoder.o lib/scratchlib/DAnalyse.o osx_build/script/midiscriptengine.o osx_build/moc_mixxxkeyboard.o osx_build/moc_controlobjectthread.o osx_build/moc_controlobjectthreadwidget.o osx_build/moc_controlobjectthreadmain.o osx_build/moc_controllogpotmeter.o osx_build/moc_controlobject.o osx_build/moc_controlnull.o osx_build/moc_controlpotmeter.o osx_build/moc_controlpushbutton.o osx_build/moc_controlttrotary.o osx_build/moc_dlgpreferences.o osx_build/moc_dlgprefsound.o osx_build/moc_dlgprefmidibindings.o osx_build/moc_dlgprefplaylist.o osx_build/moc_dlgprefnomidi.o osx_build/moc_dlgprefcontrols.o osx_build/moc_dlgbpmtap.o osx_build/moc_dlgprefbpm.o osx_build/moc_dlgbpmscheme.o osx_build/moc_dlgabout.o osx_build/moc_dlgprefeq.o osx_build/moc_dlgprefcrossfader.o osx_build/moc_dlgmidilearning.o osx_build/engine/moc_enginebuffercue.o osx_build/engine/moc_enginebuffer.o osx_build/engine/moc_engineobject.o osx_build/moc_analyserqueue.o osx_build/moc_midiobject.o osx_build/moc_midimapping.o osx_build/moc_midiinputmappingtablemodel.o osx_build/moc_midioutputmappingtablemodel.o osx_build/moc_midichanneldelegate.o osx_build/moc_midistatusdelegate.o osx_build/moc_midinodelegate.o osx_build/moc_midioptiondelegate.o osx_build/moc_controlgroupdelegate.o osx_build/moc_controlvaluedelegate.o osx_build/moc_mixxx.o osx_build/moc_mixxxview.o osx_build/moc_errordialog.o osx_build/widget/moc_wwidget.o osx_build/widget/moc_wlabel.o osx_build/widget/moc_wnumber.o osx_build/widget/moc_wnumberpos.o osx_build/widget/moc_wnumberrate.o osx_build/widget/moc_wnumberbpm.o osx_build/widget/moc_wknob.o osx_build/widget/moc_wdisplay.o osx_build/widget/moc_wvumeter.o osx_build/widget/moc_wpushbutton.o osx_build/widget/moc_wslidercomposed.o osx_build/widget/moc_wstatuslight.o osx_build/widget/moc_woverview.o osx_build/widget/moc_wabstractcontrol.o osx_build/widget/moc_wsearchlineedit.o osx_build/moc_reader.o osx_build/moc_track.o osx_build/moc_trackplaylist.o osx_build/moc_wtracktableview.o osx_build/moc_wtracktablemodel.o osx_build/moc_wpromotracksmodel.o osx_build/moc_trackimporter.o osx_build/moc_parser.o osx_build/moc_parserpls.o osx_build/moc_parserm3u.o osx_build/widget/moc_wvisualsimple.o osx_build/widget/moc_wwaveformviewer.o osx_build/widget/moc_wglwaveformviewer.o osx_build/waveform/moc_waveformrenderer.o osx_build/waveform/moc_waveformrenderbackground.o osx_build/waveform/moc_waveformrendersignal.o osx_build/waveform/moc_waveformrendersignalpixmap.o osx_build/waveform/moc_waveformrendermark.o osx_build/waveform/moc_waveformrenderbeat.o osx_build/moc_trackinfoobject.o osx_build/moc_midiledhandler.o osx_build/moc_soundmanager.o osx_build/moc_dlgprefrecord.o osx_build/moc_wtracktablefilter.o osx_build/moc_wplaylistlistmodel.o osx_build/moc_libraryscanner.o osx_build/moc_libraryscannerdlg.o osx_build/moc_playerinfo.o osx_build/engine/moc_enginebufferscalest.o osx_build/moc_ladspaview.o osx_build/moc_dlgladspa.o osx_build/ladspa/moc_ladspapresetslot.o osx_build/moc_dlgprefvinyl.o osx_build/moc_vinylcontrolsignalwidget.o osx_build/script/moc_midiscriptengine.o -L/usr/lib -L/sw/lib -L/opt/local/lib -L/sw/lib -lportaudio -lid3tag -lmad -lsndfile -lvorbisfile -lvorbis -logg
scons: building terminated because of errors.

Revision history for this message
Sean M. Pappalardo (pegasus-renegadetech) wrote :

He forgot to add that the errors are:

/usr/bin/ld: warning -L: directory name (/sw/lib) does not exist
/usr/bin/ld: warning -L: directory name (/sw/lib) does not exist
/usr/bin/ld: unknown flag: -rpath
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
scons: *** [osx_build/mixxx] Error 1
scons: building terminated because of errors.

He's using XCode 2.4.1, which has g++ version: i686-apple-darwin8-g++-4.0.1 (GCC) 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5367)

Revision history for this message
Nick (kousu) wrote : Re: [Bug 380043] [NEW] Error when compiling 1.7 with Mac OS X 10.4.11
Download full text (11.7 KiB)

Huh. No one anymore has 10.4 to compile on, much to my chagrin. Thank
you for pasting the logfile but it doesn't seem to have any
information about the actual error, which is odd.
Can you try copy-pasting that command line and running it by hand? See
if you can get a real error message out of it?

On 24/05/2009, rroonnaann <email address hidden> wrote:
> Public bug reported:
> scons: Reading SConscript files ...
> Platform: OS X
> WE ARE IN: /Users/ronan/Desktop/1.7/mixxx/osx_build
> QT path: /Library/Qt/
> Loading qt4 tool...
> Checking for C library portaudio... (cached) yes
> Checking for C library id3tag... (cached) yes
> Checking for C library mad... (cached) yes
> Checking for C library sndfile... (cached) yes
> Checking for C library vorbisfile... (cached) yes
> Checking for C library vorbis... (cached) yes
> Checking for C library ogg... (cached) yes
> Checking for C library mp4... (cached) no
> Checking for C library faad... (cached) no
> Checking for C library GL... (cached) no
> Checking for C library opengl32... (cached) no
> Checking for C header file
> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Headers/gl.h...
> (cached) yes
> Checking for C library GLU... (cached) no
> Checking for C library glu32... (cached) no
> Checking for C header file
> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Headers/glu.h...
> (cached) yes
> Not working FFMPEG support... disabled
> Checking for C++ header file
> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreMIDI.framework/Headers/CoreMIDI.h... (cached)
> yes
> Features Summary:
> ================
> libdjconsole support... disabled
> High quality EQs... enabled
> iPod support... disabled
> Shoutcast support... disabled
> LADSPA support... enabled
> Vinyl Control... enabled
> Tonal analysis... disabled
> Apple M4A audio file support... disabled
> Test suite... disabled
> MixxxScript Studio... disabled
> MIDI Scripting... enabled
> Optimizations... enabled
> gprof profiling support... disabled
> Optimizing for this CPU... no
> MSVS 2005 hacks... disabled
> Force 32-bit compile... disabled
> Case Metrics profiling... disabled
> ================
> Building with flags: hifieq ladspa vinylcontrol midiscript optimize=1
> ================
> scons: done reading SConscript files.
> scons: Building targets ...
> g++ -o osx_build/mixxx -framework OpenGL -framework QtCore -framework
> QtOpenGL -framework Qt3Support -framework QtGui -framework QtXml -framework
> QtNetwork -framework QtSql -framework QtScript -framework CoreMIDI
> -framework CoreFoundation -framework CoreAudio -framework Carbon -framework
> Quicktime -framework AudioToolbox -framework AudioUnit -pipe -Wall -W -g
> -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib osx_build/input.o osx_build/trackplaylistlist.o
> osx_build/mixxxkeyboard.o osx_build/configobject.o
> osx_build/controlobjectthread.o osx_build/controlobjectthreadwidget.o
> osx_build/controlobjectthreadmain.o osx_build/controlevent.o
> osx_build/controllogpotmeter.o osx_build/controlobject.o
> osx_build/controlnull.o osx_build/controlpotmeter.o
> osx_build/controlpushbutton.o osx_build/controlttrotary.o
> osx_build/controlbeat.o osx_build/dlgpreferences.o osx_build/dlgprefsound.o
> osx_build/dlgprefmidibind...

Revision history for this message
Nick (kousu) wrote :

Oh -rpath. -rpath is funky and not supported on 10.4. I was working on
that when I lost my OS X.

On 24/05/2009, Pegasus <email address hidden> wrote:
> He forgot to add that the errors are:
> /usr/bin/ld: warning -L: directory name (/sw/lib) does not exist
> /usr/bin/ld: warning -L: directory name (/sw/lib) does not exist
> /usr/bin/ld: unknown flag: -rpath
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> scons: *** [osx_build/mixxx] Error 1
> scons: building terminated because of errors.
> He's using XCode 2.4.1, which has g++ version: i686-apple-
> darwin8-g++-4.0.1 (GCC) 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5367)
> ** Also affects: mixxx/1.7
> Importance: Undecided
> Status: New
> --
> Error when compiling 1.7 with Mac OS X 10.4.11
> You received this bug notification because you are a member of Mixxx
> Development Team, which is subscribed to Mixxx.

Revision history for this message
Sean M. Pappalardo (pegasus-renegadetech) wrote :

Doing a web search gives this suggestion: try replacing the '-Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib' option in the link command with -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/usr/lib and see if that helps, rroonnaann.

Revision history for this message
rroonnaann (ronanm2) wrote :

I don't know where I should do that, because I don't use "-Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib".

$ scons -j2 -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/usr/lib
Warning: the -W option is not yet implemented

Revision history for this message
RJ Skerry-Ryan (rryan) wrote : Re: [Bug 380043] Re: Error when compiling 1.7 with Mac OS X 10.4.11

Those flags need to be in your CXXFLAGS and CFLAGS -- they aren't scons

rroonnaann wrote:
> I don't know where I should do that, because I don't use
> "-Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib".
> $ scons -j2 -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/usr/lib
> Warning: the -W option is not yet implemented

Revision history for this message
Sean M. Pappalardo (pegasus-renegadetech) wrote :

No, guys... for testing, please manually re-run the link command with that option changed. (Paste the attached file contents into your terminal, hit Enter and report back here.)

Revision history for this message
rroonnaann (ronanm2) wrote :
Download full text (9.1 KiB)

Same error, I've to install this libraries.

$ g++ -o osx_build/mixxx -framework OpenGL -framework QtCore -framework QtOpenGL -framework Qt3Support -framework QtGui -framework QtXml -framework QtNetwork -framework QtSql -framework QtScript -framework CoreMIDI -framework CoreFoundation -framework CoreAudio -framework Carbon -framework Quicktime -framework AudioToolbox -framework AudioUnit -pipe -Wall -W -g -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/usr/lib osx_build/input.o osx_build/trackplaylistlist.o osx_build/mixxxkeyboard.o osx_build/configobject.o osx_build/controlobjectthread.o osx_build/controlobjectthreadwidget.o osx_build/controlobjectthreadmain.o osx_build/controlevent.o osx_build/controllogpotmeter.o osx_build/controlobject.o osx_build/controlnull.o osx_build/controlpotmeter.o osx_build/controlpushbutton.o osx_build/controlttrotary.o osx_build/controlbeat.o osx_build/dlgpreferences.o osx_build/dlgprefsound.o osx_build/dlgprefmidibindings.o osx_build/dlgprefplaylist.o osx_build/dlgprefnomidi.o osx_build/dlgprefcontrols.o osx_build/dlgbpmtap.o osx_build/dlgprefbpm.o osx_build/dlgbpmscheme.o osx_build/dlgabout.o osx_build/dlgprefeq.o osx_build/dlgprefcrossfader.o osx_build/dlgmidilearning.o osx_build/engine/enginebuffercue.o osx_build/engine/enginebuffer.o osx_build/engine/enginebufferscale.o osx_build/engine/enginebufferscaledummy.o osx_build/engine/enginebufferscalelinear.o osx_build/engine/enginebufferscalereal.o osx_build/engine/engineclipping.o osx_build/engine/enginefilterblock.o osx_build/engine/enginefilteriir.o osx_build/engine/enginefilter.o osx_build/engine/engineobject.o osx_build/engine/enginepregain.o osx_build/engine/enginevolume.o osx_build/engine/enginechannel.o osx_build/engine/enginemaster.o osx_build/engine/enginedelay.o osx_build/engine/engineflanger.o osx_build/engine/enginespectralfwd.o osx_build/engine/enginevumeter.o osx_build/engine/enginevinylsoundemu.o osx_build/engine/enginesidechain.o osx_build/engine/enginefilterbutterworth8.o osx_build/engine/enginexfader.o osx_build/analyserqueue.o osx_build/analyserwavesummary.o osx_build/analyserbpm.o osx_build/analyserwaveform.o osx_build/main.o osx_build/midiobject.o osx_build/midimapping.o osx_build/midiobjectnull.o osx_build/mididevicehandler.o osx_build/midiinputmappingtablemodel.o osx_build/midioutputmappingtablemodel.o osx_build/midichanneldelegate.o osx_build/midistatusdelegate.o osx_build/midinodelegate.o osx_build/midioptiondelegate.o osx_build/controlgroupdelegate.o osx_build/controlvaluedelegate.o osx_build/midimessage.o osx_build/mixxxcontrol.o osx_build/mixxx.o osx_build/mixxxview.o osx_build/errordialog.o osx_build/upgrade.o osx_build/soundsource.o osx_build/soundsourcemp3.o osx_build/soundsourceoggvorbis.o osx_build/widget/wwidget.o osx_build/widget/wlabel.o osx_build/widget/wnumber.o osx_build/widget/wnumberpos.o osx_build/widget/wnumberrate.o osx_build/widget/wnumberbpm.o osx_build/widget/wknob.o osx_build/widget/wdisplay.o osx_build/widget/wvumeter.o osx_build/widget/wpushbutton.o osx_build/widget/wslidercomposed.o osx_build/widget/wslider.o osx_build/widget/wstatuslight.o osx_build/widget/woverview.o osx_build/widget/wskincolor.o osx_build/widget/wabstractcontrol.o osx_bui...


Revision history for this message
Sean M. Pappalardo (pegasus-renegadetech) wrote :

Ok, try just once more, but change to a single dash like so: -Wl,-rpath

Revision history for this message
rroonnaann (ronanm2) wrote :
Download full text (11.5 KiB)

$ g++ -Wl,-rpath
/usr/bin/ld: unknown flag: -rpath
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

$ g++ -Wl, -rpath
i686-apple-darwin8-g++-4.0.1: unrecognized option '-rpath'
/usr/bin/ld: can't open: (No such file or directory, errno = 2)
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

$ scons -j2scons: Reading SConscript files ...
Platform: OS X
WE ARE IN: /Users/ronan/Desktop/1.7/mixxx/osx_build
QT path: /usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.3.2/
Loading qt4 tool...

scons: warning: QTDIR variable is not defined, using moc executable as a hint (QTDIR=None)
File "/Users/ronan/Desktop/1.7/mixxx/build/", line 206, in _detect

scons: warning: The Options class is deprecated; use the Variables class instead.
File "/Users/ronan/Desktop/1.7/mixxx/src/SConscript", line 203, in <module>
Checking for C library portaudio... (cached) yes
Checking for C library id3tag... (cached) yes
Checking for C library mad... (cached) yes
Checking for C library sndfile... (cached) yes
Checking for C library vorbisfile... (cached) yes
Checking for C library vorbis... (cached) yes
Checking for C library ogg... (cached) yes
Checking for C library mp4... (cached) no
Checking for C library faad... (cached) no
Checking for C library GL... (cached) no
Checking for C library opengl32... (cached) no
Checking for C header file /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Headers/gl.h... (cached) yes
Checking for C library GLU... (cached) no
Checking for C library glu32... (cached) no
Checking for C header file /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Headers/glu.h... (cached) yes
Not working FFMPEG support... disabled
Checking for C++ header file /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreMIDI.framework/Headers/CoreMIDI.h... (cached) yes

Features Summary:
libdjconsole support... disabled
High quality EQs... enabled
iPod support... disabled
Shoutcast support... disabled
LADSPA support... enabled
Vinyl Control... enabled
Tonal analysis... disabled
Apple M4A audio file support... disabled
Test suite... disabled
MixxxScript Studio... disabled
MIDI Scripting... enabled
Optimizations... enabled
gprof profiling support... disabled
Optimizing for this CPU... no
MSVS 2005 hacks... disabled
Force 32-bit compile... disabled
Case Metrics profiling... disabled
Building with flags: hifieq ladspa vinylcontrol midiscript optimize=1

scons: done reading SConscript files.
scons: Building targets ...
g++ -o osx_build/mixxx -framework OpenGL -framework QtCore -framework QtOpenGL -framework Qt3Support -framework QtGui -framework QtXml -framework QtNetwork -framework QtSql -framework QtScript -framework CoreMIDI -framework CoreFoundation -framework CoreAudio -framework Carbon -framework Quicktime -framework AudioToolbox -framework AudioUnit -pipe -Wall -W -g -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib osx_build/input.o osx_build/trackplaylistlist.o osx_build/mixxxkeyboard.o osx_build/configobject.o osx_build/controlobjectthread.o osx_build/controlobjectthreadwidget.o osx_build/controlobjectthreadmain.o osx_build/controlevent.o osx_build/controllogpotmeter.o osx_build/controlobject.o osx_build/controlnull.o osx_build/controlpotmeter.o osx_build/controlpushbutton.o osx_build/controltt...

Revision history for this message
RJ Skerry-Ryan (rryan) wrote :

Yes -- it looks like in the 10.4 tools (PPC, etc) ld doesn't support rpath. The the rpath is being set as $QTDIR/lib, which since on OSX the Qt libraries are frameworks instead of loaded from a library path, it shouldn't matter if we cut out the rpath for all OSX compiles.

rroonnaann -- you can do a quick fix for this by changing this section of the SConscript file in the mixxx/src directory:

if platform == 'win32':
 env.Append(CPPDEFINES = 'WIN32') #for soundtouch
 env.Append(CCFLAGS = Split(""" -pipe -Wall -W -g """)) # omghax
- env.Append(LINKFLAGS = Split(""" -pipe -Wall -W -g -Wl,-rpath,$QTDIR/lib"""))
+ env.Append(LINKFLAGS = Split(""" -pipe -Wall -W -g"""))
+ if platform != 'osx':
+ env.Append(LINKFLAGS = "-Wl,-rpath,$QTDIR/lib")

Before we change that in the repository, can someone with more knowledge of how OSX uses rpath in its newer toolset confirm that setting rpath to /usr/lib (the case on OSX since $QTDIR defaults to /usr) is useless?

Revision history for this message
Sean M. Pappalardo (pegasus-renegadetech) wrote :

Need someone with OSX to test rryan's last comment.

Revision history for this message
rroonnaann (ronanm2) wrote :

I added (without deleting anything) :


if platform == 'win32': # line 144
 env.Append(CPPDEFINES = 'WIN32') #for soundtouch
 env.Append(CCFLAGS = Split(""" -pipe -Wall -W -g """)) # omghax
- env.Append(LINKFLAGS = Split(""" -pipe -Wall -W -g -Wl,-rpath,$QTDIR/lib"""))
+ env.Append(LINKFLAGS = Split(""" -pipe -Wall -W -g"""))
+ if platform != 'osx':
+ env.Append(LINKFLAGS = "-Wl,-rpath,$QTDIR/lib")

if 'win' in platform:

In SConscript file in the mixxx/src directory.

And then I do :
$ scons -j2
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
Platform: OS X
  File "/Users/ronan/Desktop/Mixxx/1.7/mixxx/src/SConscript", line 150

    + if platform != 'osx':


SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Just send me the SConscript file you want me to test. And the right command line.

Revision history for this message
Sean M. Pappalardo (pegasus-renegadetech) wrote :

rroonnaann: download and unpack the attached file and try building again. (Use gunzip SConscript.gz then copy it to the mixxx/src directory.)

Revision history for this message
rroonnaann (ronanm2) wrote :

$ scons -j2
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
Platform: OS X
WE ARE IN: /Users/ronan/Desktop/Mixxx/1.7/mixxx/osx_build

scons: *** Import of non-existent variable ''machine''
File "/Users/ronan/Desktop/Mixxx/1.7/mixxx/src/SConscript", line 143, in <module>

Revision history for this message
Iggy (iggy-theiggy) wrote :

I can confirm that rryan's patch above does not cause any ill effects on OSX 10.5. The rpath thing would be bogus anyways since "scons bundle" includes the necessary QT framework's in the bundle anyways (which is imo desirable).

Revision history for this message
Sean M. Pappalardo (pegasus-renegadetech) wrote :

rroonnaann (and anyone else interested,) please download and try this test build:

Let us know how (or if) it runs.

Revision history for this message
rroonnaann (ronanm2) wrote :
Download full text (11.8 KiB)

I can't launch it, just like 1.6.

On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 4:27 AM, Pegasus <email address hidden> wrote:

> rroonnaann (and anyone else interested,) please download and try this
> test build:
> Let us know how (or if) it runs.
> --
> Error when compiling 1.7 with Mac OS X 10.4.11
> You received this bug notification because you are a direct subscriber
> of the bug.
> Status in Mixxx: New
> Status in Mixxx 1.7 series: Incomplete
> Bug description:
> scons: Reading SConscript files ...
> Platform: OS X
> WE ARE IN: /Users/ronan/Desktop/1.7/mixxx/osx_build
> QT path: /Library/Qt/
> Loading qt4 tool...
> Checking for C library portaudio... (cached) yes
> Checking for C library id3tag... (cached) yes
> Checking for C library mad... (cached) yes
> Checking for C library sndfile... (cached) yes
> Checking for C library vorbisfile... (cached) yes
> Checking for C library vorbis... (cached) yes
> Checking for C library ogg... (cached) yes
> Checking for C library mp4... (cached) no
> Checking for C library faad... (cached) no
> Checking for C library GL... (cached) no
> Checking for C library opengl32... (cached) no
> Checking for C header file
> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Headers/gl.h...
> (cached) yes
> Checking for C library GLU... (cached) no
> Checking for C library glu32... (cached) no
> Checking for C header file
> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Headers/glu.h...
> (cached) yes
> Not working FFMPEG support... disabled
> Checking for C++ header file
> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreMIDI.framework/Headers/CoreMIDI.h... (cached)
> yes
> Features Summary:
> ================
> libdjconsole support... disabled
> High quality EQs... enabled
> iPod support... disabled
> Shoutcast support... disabled
> LADSPA support... enabled
> Vinyl Control... enabled
> Tonal analysis... disabled
> Apple M4A audio file support... disabled
> Test suite... disabled
> MixxxScript Studio... disabled
> MIDI Scripting... enabled
> Optimizations... enabled
> gprof profiling support... disabled
> Optimizing for this CPU... no
> MSVS 2005 hacks... disabled
> Force 32-bit compile... disabled
> Case Metrics profiling... disabled
> ================
> Building with flags: hifieq ladspa vinylcontrol midiscript optimize=1
> ================
> scons: done reading SConscript files.
> scons: Building targets ...
> g++ -o osx_build/mixxx -framework OpenGL -framework QtCore -framework
> QtOpenGL -framework Qt3Support -framework QtGui -framework QtXml -framework
> QtNetwork -framework QtSql -framework QtScript -framework CoreMIDI
> -framework CoreFoundation -framework CoreAudio -framework Carbon -framework
> Quicktime -framework AudioToolbox -framework AudioUnit -pipe -Wall -W -g
> -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib osx_build/input.o osx_build/trackplaylistlist.o
> osx_build/mixxxkeyboard.o osx_build/configobject.o
> osx_bui...

Revision history for this message
Iggy (iggy-theiggy) wrote :

So it started once and then didn't work again? Or was it already broken by an earlier copy? I'm not sure what all files Mixxx would create that you could try purging. I can check when I get home. You can probably find out with ktrace/dtruss/Instruments.

Revision history for this message
rroonnaann (ronanm2) wrote :
Download full text (11.8 KiB)

I was already broken by an earlier copy.
I don't know how to use ktrace or dtruss.

On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 5:03 PM, Iggy <email address hidden> wrote:

> So it started once and then didn't work again? Or was it already broken
> by an earlier copy? I'm not sure what all files Mixxx would create that
> you could try purging. I can check when I get home. You can probably
> find out with ktrace/dtruss/Instruments.
> --
> Error when compiling 1.7 with Mac OS X 10.4.11
> You received this bug notification because you are a direct subscriber
> of the bug.
> Status in Mixxx: New
> Status in Mixxx 1.7 series: Incomplete
> Bug description:
> scons: Reading SConscript files ...
> Platform: OS X
> WE ARE IN: /Users/ronan/Desktop/1.7/mixxx/osx_build
> QT path: /Library/Qt/
> Loading qt4 tool...
> Checking for C library portaudio... (cached) yes
> Checking for C library id3tag... (cached) yes
> Checking for C library mad... (cached) yes
> Checking for C library sndfile... (cached) yes
> Checking for C library vorbisfile... (cached) yes
> Checking for C library vorbis... (cached) yes
> Checking for C library ogg... (cached) yes
> Checking for C library mp4... (cached) no
> Checking for C library faad... (cached) no
> Checking for C library GL... (cached) no
> Checking for C library opengl32... (cached) no
> Checking for C header file
> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Headers/gl.h...
> (cached) yes
> Checking for C library GLU... (cached) no
> Checking for C library glu32... (cached) no
> Checking for C header file
> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Headers/glu.h...
> (cached) yes
> Not working FFMPEG support... disabled
> Checking for C++ header file
> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreMIDI.framework/Headers/CoreMIDI.h... (cached)
> yes
> Features Summary:
> ================
> libdjconsole support... disabled
> High quality EQs... enabled
> iPod support... disabled
> Shoutcast support... disabled
> LADSPA support... enabled
> Vinyl Control... enabled
> Tonal analysis... disabled
> Apple M4A audio file support... disabled
> Test suite... disabled
> MixxxScript Studio... disabled
> MIDI Scripting... enabled
> Optimizations... enabled
> gprof profiling support... disabled
> Optimizing for this CPU... no
> MSVS 2005 hacks... disabled
> Force 32-bit compile... disabled
> Case Metrics profiling... disabled
> ================
> Building with flags: hifieq ladspa vinylcontrol midiscript optimize=1
> ================
> scons: done reading SConscript files.
> scons: Building targets ...
> g++ -o osx_build/mixxx -framework OpenGL -framework QtCore -framework
> QtOpenGL -framework Qt3Support -framework QtGui -framework QtXml -framework
> QtNetwork -framework QtSql -framework QtScript -framework CoreMIDI
> -framework CoreFoundation -framework CoreAudio -framework Carbon -framework
> Quicktime -framework AudioToolbox -framework AudioUnit -pipe -Wall -W -g
> -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib osx_build/input.o osx_build/trackplaylistlist.o
> osx_build/mixxxkeyboard.o osx_build/configobject.o
> osx_build/controlobjectthread.o osx_build/controlobjectthreadwidget.o
> osx_build/controlobjectthreadmain.o...

Revision history for this message
Sean M. Pappalardo (pegasus-renegadetech) wrote :

Committed the rpath patch. Iggy, yes, according to those forum notes, people have been able to start Mixxx just once, then it never works again.

Revision history for this message
rroonnaann (ronanm2) wrote :
Download full text (11.8 KiB)

1.6 worked.
1.6 didn't work anymore.
I tried to compile 1.7.
Someone sent 1.7.
I installed 1.7, it didn't lauch.
I re-installed 1.6, it worked, I don't know why but 1.6 is ok to me.

On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 11:45 PM, Pegasus <email address hidden> wrote:

> Committed the rpath patch. Iggy, yes, according to those forum notes,
> people have been able to start Mixxx just once, then it never works
> again.
> --
> Error when compiling 1.7 with Mac OS X 10.4.11
> You received this bug notification because you are a direct subscriber
> of the bug.
> Status in Mixxx: New
> Status in Mixxx 1.7 series: Incomplete
> Bug description:
> scons: Reading SConscript files ...
> Platform: OS X
> WE ARE IN: /Users/ronan/Desktop/1.7/mixxx/osx_build
> QT path: /Library/Qt/
> Loading qt4 tool...
> Checking for C library portaudio... (cached) yes
> Checking for C library id3tag... (cached) yes
> Checking for C library mad... (cached) yes
> Checking for C library sndfile... (cached) yes
> Checking for C library vorbisfile... (cached) yes
> Checking for C library vorbis... (cached) yes
> Checking for C library ogg... (cached) yes
> Checking for C library mp4... (cached) no
> Checking for C library faad... (cached) no
> Checking for C library GL... (cached) no
> Checking for C library opengl32... (cached) no
> Checking for C header file
> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Headers/gl.h...
> (cached) yes
> Checking for C library GLU... (cached) no
> Checking for C library glu32... (cached) no
> Checking for C header file
> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Headers/glu.h...
> (cached) yes
> Not working FFMPEG support... disabled
> Checking for C++ header file
> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreMIDI.framework/Headers/CoreMIDI.h... (cached)
> yes
> Features Summary:
> ================
> libdjconsole support... disabled
> High quality EQs... enabled
> iPod support... disabled
> Shoutcast support... disabled
> LADSPA support... enabled
> Vinyl Control... enabled
> Tonal analysis... disabled
> Apple M4A audio file support... disabled
> Test suite... disabled
> MixxxScript Studio... disabled
> MIDI Scripting... enabled
> Optimizations... enabled
> gprof profiling support... disabled
> Optimizing for this CPU... no
> MSVS 2005 hacks... disabled
> Force 32-bit compile... disabled
> Case Metrics profiling... disabled
> ================
> Building with flags: hifieq ladspa vinylcontrol midiscript optimize=1
> ================
> scons: done reading SConscript files.
> scons: Building targets ...
> g++ -o osx_build/mixxx -framework OpenGL -framework QtCore -framework
> QtOpenGL -framework Qt3Support -framework QtGui -framework QtXml -framework
> QtNetwork -framework QtSql -framework QtScript -framework CoreMIDI
> -framework CoreFoundation -framework CoreAudio -framework Carbon -framework
> Quicktime -framework AudioToolbox -framework AudioUnit -pipe -Wall -W -g
> -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib osx_build/input.o osx_build/trackplaylistlist.o
> osx_build/mixxxkeyboard.o osx_build/configobject.o
> osx_build/controlobjectthread.o osx_build/controlobjectthreadwidget.o
> osx_build/controlobjectthreadmain.o...

Revision history for this message
Iggy (iggy-theiggy) wrote :

Supposedly the files are in the user's home dir named .mixxx*. Try renaming them and testing 1.7 again.

As far as the original bug of not being able to compile, that should be fixed now. I can post the script I use to build 1.7 if you'd like to see it. It does everything from getting deps to building the mixxx bundle.

Revision history for this message
Sean M. Pappalardo (pegasus-renegadetech) wrote :

The rpath patch should fix this. Besides, this is superseded by iggy's work on an OSX 10.5 build script that makes 10.4-compatible "universal" (PPC & Intel) binaries.

Changed in mixxx:
assignee: nobody → Pegasus (pegasus-renegadetech)
status: New → Confirmed
RJ Skerry-Ryan (rryan)
Changed in mixxx:
status: Confirmed → Fix Committed
Changed in mixxx:
milestone: none → 1.8.0
status: Fix Committed → Fix Released
milestone: 1.8.0 → none
Revision history for this message
Swiftb0y (swiftb0y) wrote :

Mixxx now uses GitHub for bug tracking. This bug has been migrated to:

lock status: Metadata changes locked and limited to project staff
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