Comment 41 for bug 842566

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snowguy (snowguy) wrote :

What is strange is that the bug manifests itself even when I open writer documents from within libreOffice Writer IF the document opened first has a bullets and numbering freefloating window. That's a mouthful. Here's the details.

If I do the following I DO see the bug:
1 open Writer from the unity launcher
2 open a writer doc from File->Open or File->Recent
3 Move the cursor in your doc to a line with bullets (so that the bullets and numbering window is showing). If it is docked undock it so that it shows as a free-floating window
4 Open a second document from file-> open or file->recent
I see the bug. I cannot alt-tab between the two and the unity launcher shows me the wrong number of little white arrows open.

But if instead I do this I DON'T see the bug:
On step 3 make sure that the bullets and numbering window is not visible or if it is visible it is docked. Note I haven't tested all other windows but at least I can say that the Styles and Formatting window doesn't have this problem. Maybe it is only applicable to windows that come and go depending on your context.

For me this is valuable information since this bug is driving me crazy when trying to work on two writer documents. I need to know how to avoid it. Hopefully it is valuable to others looking for a proper work around. I also hope there may be some key here to help a developer figure out where the problem is and properly fix it.