Comment 8 for bug 907015

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Redmar (redmar) wrote : Re: could we have another shutdown menu?

@Conscious User
Thanks for adding those screenshots, I should probably have done that myself.

"I'm not saying that the current design is necessarily ideal. But you should present other arguments because the ones you presented so far are based on the false premise that "importance = priority above everything"."

My argument is basically the following: by moving "restart" into the dialog we make the gear menu a little bit smaller, which is good. At the same time, discoverability takes a hit, since "restart" is now less visible. We also lose some consistency, since only one option ("restart") is located in the dialogue. I believe this is a bad trade off, since the gear menu is already much smaller than the other menu's. I also noticed that previous versions of ubuntu (at least natty for sure) also have "restart" in the menu itself, not in a dialogue. If "restart" is added to the menu people updating LTS -> LTS won't notice any change.

"The rationale behind the current design is that "restart" can be interpreted as a particular case of "shutdown", while "suspend"and "hibernate" can not. It's an attempt to find a balance."

It's true that "restart" can be seen as a special case of "shutdown". However, from a users point of view, all options ("suspend", "hybernate", etc) are things you do when you stop using your computer, so it could be argued all fall in a similar category. If that is the case, all options should be displayed in the same way (i.e. dialogue or the menu itself).

If the dialogue width is caused by GTK3 that's fine, I'm sure there's a reason for that.

Offtopic: This is a bit of a tricky bug-report since a lot of it is based on personal preferences, thanks for taking time to talk about it!