Comment 0 for bug 893670

Revision history for this message
John Lea (johnlea) wrote :

Launcher, Spread - Clicking on a Launcher app icon a second time to close a spread is broken

To Reproduce:
1. Open two Chromium windows
2. Open Thunderbird, and open a new email window
3. Click on the Chromium icon to focus one of the Chromium windows
4. Click on the Thunderbird Launcher icon to focus the Thunderbird new email window
5. Click on the Thunderbird Launcher icon again to spread the two Thunderbird windows
6. Wait one second
7. Click on the Thunderbird Launcher icon again to close the spread

What currently incorrectly happens:
- Nothing! The focus arrow jumps briefly but the spread does not close. Also the App title integrated into the top bar is displaying the wrong application name; it is displaying the name of the Chromium window however it should be displaying 'Thunderbird' because this application got the focus in step 4 above.

What should happen:
- Clicking on the Thunderbird Launcher icon when the Thunderbird spread is open should close the spread and return the user to exactly the same state they were in before the spread opened (step 4).