Comment 1 for bug 2022958

Revision history for this message
Brian Murray (brian-murray) wrote :

From #ubuntu-devel on 2023-06-05:

09:17 < rbasak> I wonder if we can expand the set
                of people who can trigger
                autopkgtest regressions. Does it
                need to be restricted to core devs?
09:17 < rbasak> who can trigger autopkgtest
                retries I mean. Please do not
                trigger regressions :)
09:24 < enr0n> rbasak: yeah, I think that would be
               very helpful. IIRC the foundations
               team spent some time talking about
               this in Prague. I think there was
               an idea to have a team (similar to
               ubuntu bug control) where members
               would have permission to retry
09:24 < bdmurray> Yes