Comment 2 for bug 1033368

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Andrei (andrei-halle-deactivatedaccount) wrote :

Thanks Geneviève. I will try to repeat the scenario i described in the first instance and i'll get back to you with much more details. I know that a statistic module is made of sql statements asking the database some values based on some "where" criteria.

Somehow, i never expected any bad connection problems during the past month, my server is stable as the connection are with DD-WRT routers and everything's working fine. But as soon as i installed the statistic plugin i began to have green wifidog pages just by changing the SSID of my routers (yesterday(. I made everything's possible to have my connections back, but it was in vain.

I have one other ubuntu partition and one Debian partition, with authpupppy installed on each of them. I boot in each of these partitions and the connections was pefect. So i get back to my ubuntu partition where i had connection's problem, i remove the statistic plugin and i have my connections back.

I was not ironical or any kind of sarcastic when i said that you were leaving Ile Sans Fil. I read it there :

The article is related that you were leaving ile sans fil. So i believed that was why you were may be less active here. Again as i always said, there is nothing against you, not at all. This is a question of free being choice and priorities. I have questions who are still unanswered even after one month. So i couldn't even not imagine having an answer after one week. Again that's a reality and i'm not the only one who live it.

My point of view is about the lack of peoples who have your knowledge and who can answer questions. As i see it, there is nobody here (except someone that i know and that you know too) who can respond question here except you. Nobody knows the answer or may be they have this habit to supposed that (from the past) you will answer these questions.

I do not expected any response in the next hour following it :) It would be very very appreciated to have a kind of forum made of peoples who own server running authpuppy. If ISF and ZAP Québec is 80% of the wifi connections of Québec, in these 80% made of owners of acces point, there is surely peoples willing to help. So having a kind of central point where we can be together helping together would be a great PLUS for Authpuppy.

So ok, have an excellent day Geneviève