Comment 1 for bug 895821

Revision history for this message
Bug Importer (bug-importer) wrote :

Code related to this issue has just been checked in!
Author: Renegade
Location: issue-680-chrono-prison, r865
Commit contains DLL: No
Revision comment:
This should implement issue #1208 Passenger-dependent turret.
PassengerTurret=(true|false) on TechnoTypes.
No passengers will result in footur.vxl to be used.
1-17 passengers will result in footur1-17.vxl to be used.
Anything more than 17 passengers will result in turret 17 to be used.

In other words: With footur.vxl as "empty" and footur17.vxl as "full", you have a maximum of 18 levels of granularity with this logic.
Nobody stops you from using less, though.

Oh, and if you don't like the limit: Thank Westwood for making the turret-array only 18 elements big. Not my idea, folks.