Comment 1 for bug 895556

Revision history for this message
reaperrr (reaperrr) wrote :

Before anyone downrates this because it looks like a rather useless and n00bish feature request:

While it might not sound like a useful feature on its own, it would become VERY useful in combination with feature bug:504, and/or to a lesser extend with bug:192.

All 3 combined would greatly increase the modding possibilities; imagine true "boss"-units/structures, imagine a BattleTech-Daishi covering enemies with a devastating shower of LRMs, ACs, PPCs and Lasers, imagine a mammoth tank attacking buildings with missiles, cannons and machineguns ... just to give some examples.

The lack of these features currently limits us modders to the pre-Generals C&C gameplay; with this and the other two features you could do all kinds of interesting things that are simply impossible right now (a decent BattleTech total conversion, just for example).