Comment 1 for bug 122498

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David Prieto (frandavid100-gmail) wrote :

I'm answering some guy's doubt in a forum, and he could really use this kind of functionality. This is the address:

It's in Spanish, but basically it's a newbie who hasn't Internet in one of his computers, and wants to download a program from another to install it on that computer without internet. He's trying to get it from through his browser -which should make sense to a newbie- but complains about dependency hell.

I'd like to point him to aptonCD as the solution to his problems, but he would still have to fire up Synaptic and install the program in his first PC, which he might not want to do. Then hope that that specific program doesn't have any dependencies that he might have installed but not in the cache.

Overall, I think it makes a fine user case. He needs something to access the repos for him and fetch the desired package and its dependencies for a clean ubuntu system, then copy them to the CD / ISO image. I think it's a job for aptonCD.