Comment 4 for bug 1448158

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Glotzbach (glotzbach) wrote :

> > Just to explain myself: In case it were an advertising slogan (which
> apparently it isn't), adding an article makes it sound better. Adding 'the'
> would show the uniqueness of ANoise.
> I'm not agree with that :) Because you don't see "The Firefox
> webbrowser"/"A Firefox webbrowser" in the launcher, by example :)

There seems to be a language barrier here. Let me try to explain myself one more time:

I am talking about a descriptive line, something that says what the programme is, not about naming the programme. Taking your example: indeed you don' t see " The/A Firefox web browser" , but you *do* see [Firefox:] [white line] "The/A fast and flexible web browser".
Similarly, you would not see "The/An ANoise" but you *would* see [ANoise:] [white line] "An ambient noise player". Here, the line would explain what the programme does, but you have a different intention (naming, not describing).

In any case: I guess we actually do agree. I was only trying to explain how I misunderstood your intention, and saying that I actually understand and agree with you now I know your intention :S


Then, here I don't understand your argumentation here:

> The sound indicator should to use the long name as "VLC media player".
First you want to have the longer name, but now it seems you want to have an middle-long name (without 'player')?

> I'm getting the same as the preinstalled sound app: Rhythmbox. It's showing "Rhythmbox", not "Rhythmbox Player"
You're not really getting the same as Rythmbox:
- Rythmbox is only called Rythembox, without anything else. 'Player' is not part of the name, "Rythmbox player" would not be correct.
- based on your earlier response, you would either use "ANoise" (short name) or "Ambient Noise Player" (long name). Now a weird mix is used: you did not mention "Ambient Noise" as a name for the programme (comment #1).

Your earlier comparison is better: VLC has two names: "VLC" and "VLC media player". Similar would be "ANoise" and "Ambient Noise Player". With VLC, 'player' is *part of the long name*, with Rythmbox, 'player' is *not part* of the name.

> Rhythmbox is from GNOME, then "Ambient Noise" or "Ambient Noise Player" is the same for me :P
Huh, what does GNOME have to do with it? :P

Why not stick to your initial response:
> resume it could be:
> Long name: Ambient Noise Player
> Short name: ANoise

Would be great for consistency and smart from a marketing perspective to put either the long or the short name in the sound menu. And consequently: drop the third name. As a communications student, an app (or organisation or anything else) with three names for the exact same thing is ridiculous to me :)

Sorry to keep on going about this, but I feel the argumentation is flawed (or put differently: I don' t understand your line of reasoning). These kind of things annoy me ;)