Comment 0 for bug 2061741

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Michele Lo Russo (lorumic) wrote : Dashboard: streaming page freezes due to never-returning VHAL getters in the streaming SDK

With the introduction of the vhalReady callback in the streaming SDK, I noticed that sometimes the VHAL capability is reported before the stream is ready. This means that the panel appears while there is still a loading state on the stream, and if I click on the "All VHAL properties" button in that moment, either the getAllVhalPropConfigs or the getVhalProperties gets stuck/never returns causing the UI to freeze. I cannot reproduce this issue locally (the stream and the panel load simultaneously there), so I cannot debug to identify which of the 2 is causing it, but I would assume it's the getVhalProperties since it's async (I might be wrong though).

Steps to reproduce:

1. Go to the demo server page for the PR that introduces the usage of the new vhalReady callback:
2. Join an AAOS session.
3. As soon as the VHAL panel opens, and before the stream loads, click on the "All VHAL properties" button in the panel.
4. See that the UI freezes forever - closing the browser tab/window is the only thing one can do.

Check also attached screen captures (with and without the vhalReady callback).