Comment 0 for bug 1357945

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Nekhelesh Ramananthan (nik90) wrote : Current bottom edge hint makes it difficult to read the bottom edge action

Currently when you open the address book, dialer app, clock app etc, the bottom edge hint is visible and shows what the action is. This hint is hidden after a few seconds. This makes it difficult for the user to understand what the bottom edge does if he didn't read the bottom edge text in time.

In the clock app design at (Slide 4), the bottom edge text is supposed to show the time to the next alarm. By hiding this hint, it renders that text useless since it is hidden.

I propose the following change,
- Follow the same bottom edge behaviour as the Unity 8 Dash which always shows the bottom edge hint. The hint is hidden only when the user scrolls up. On scrolling down it is shown immediately.