Comment 75 for bug 370173

Revision history for this message
Andreas Kostyrka (andreas-kostyrka) wrote : Re: [Bug 370173] Re: Ubuntu 9.04 laptop overheat and shutdown

In my original bugreport, I did include most of this, although I did not
mention that I've got NVidia graphics.

In my case the problem started with Jaunty, is bad with
2.6.27-14-generic, and got intolerable in 2.6.28 (as in burnK7 manages
to make the machine reboot in less than 60 seconds).

I've documented that with script that logged all kind of potentially
relevant stuff, but nobody even got interested in that.

My current work around is to stick with 2.6.27, although it's impossible
to get more than 1.6GHz, and very hard to persuade the box to speed up
from 800MHz. It's highly unfunny, the Atom netbook of my wife feels

I'm also wondering if there is a way to make the fan to spin up
manually, but my /proc/acpi/fan directory is empty, loading fan.ko does
not change that, nor does it produce any dmesg output.


Am Montag, den 15.06.2009, 13:17 +0000 schrieb arsenix:
> I think Andreas hit the nail here... this "bug" thread isn't so much a
> single bug it is a single -symptom- of multiple bugs which may or may
> not be related.
> Without some more detailed data on all the different machine
> configurations I don't see this bug moving forward. Fan control hack
> scripts on your own machine aren't going to help fix it.
> Folks should report:
> Machine, chipset, graphics chip, graphics driver being used
> Temperature data under both jaunty and another OS (windows or previous ubuntu if the issue is changed). Idle temps, idle fan speeds, cpu loaded temps, cpu loaded fan speeds, heavy graphics temperature data and fan speeds.
> With more data we might start to see some trends and be able to boil
> this down to where the bugs really are.
> James