Comment 298 for bug 370173

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xq19space (tuxlux) wrote : Re: Ubuntu 9.04 laptop overheat and shutdown

Having same problems with notebooks overheating running Ubuntu 9.04 jaunty.

Hpdv6000 runs at 41C in XP boot, runs at 73C in jaunty boot. These temps are at idle.

Acer 3680 runs at 45C in Vista boot, runs at over 80C and shuts down in jaunty boot. Even with chillpad.

MALIBAL Satori runs at 37C in XP boot, runs at 68C-76C in jaunty, Must run with chillpad and small personal desktop fan to control heat. Even with extra fans we must monitor temp readings constantly. Most application temps are fine with the extra fans, however, we use some resource grabbing topographic software at the office and it pumps up the CPU usage, then the temps go through the roof. We have none of these issues while booted into XP. We don't even need a chillpad when booted into XP. The MALIBAL Satori is a gaming notebook and comes pre-configured with magnificent cooling features out of the box. Nevertheless; Ubuntu Jaunty renders them useless. (Talk about a 'pisser.)

Another issue is the implementation of voip communication applications. Skype skyrockets the temperatures to critical overheating levels even with all the extra fans running. We unistalled Skype because of overheating dangers. Even Ekiga gets a temp boost thats somewhat intolerable. We can only use it for quick spurts before we have to terminate the application. None of these issues exist when booted into XP.