Comment 44 for bug 913164

Revision history for this message
drumour (drumour) wrote :

I have both, a Dell Duo with Egalax touchscreen & a Dell 2310 with the Quanta touchscreen so I'd like to thank everyone for their work on these problems. I would also like to help to the best of my limited ability.

RE: Egalax,
I have enabled precise-proposed updates in Synaptic and updated my sources but dont see which packages exactly that I should be updating (5.30pm UK time) - I use linux header & image generic pae packages and there is nothing showing for them - should I be installing and looking for updates to the package simply entitled 'Linux'?

RE: Quanta,
I would be happy to do what I can to help get multi-touch working in precise but would be quite satisfied with stable single touch. Using linux-headers-3.4.0-030400rc3 and easystroke seems to achieve this