Comment 315 for bug 1383184

Revision history for this message
chevrier (tc-s) wrote :

I am totally puzzled. I followed religiously the instructions provided, and yes, it "works", and i can "connect" under 15.10. when i look at "connection information", the details are exactly identical to what i get when i connect under 15.04 (same ISP, same driver, same speed, same ipv4 and ipv6 - all identical)
Yet, under 15.10, no web pages open in any browser - just dies. can't go to google, yahoo, or anything, even though everything looks exactly the same as under 15.04. The only differences i noted were the following lines in dmesg.

Under 15.04:
qca6174 hw2.1 (0x05010000, 0x003405ff, 168c:003e:1a56:1525 fallback) fw rome-hw2.1-v211-michalk api 2 htt 3.0 wmi 4 cal otp max_sta 32
debug 1 debugfs 1 tracing 0 dfs 0 testmode 0

Under 15.10:
qca6174 hw2.1 (0x05010000, 0x003405ff, 168c:003e:1a56:1525 fallback) fw WLAN.RM.1.1-00141 api 5 htt 3.1 wmi 4 cal otp max_sta 32
debug 0 debugfs 1 tracing 1 dfs 0 testmode 0

everything else seems identical.

anyone patient enough to kindly let me know what i could have possibly stuffed??

Many thanks,