Comment 11 for bug 764744

Revision history for this message
Jamie Brewer (jamie-brewer) wrote : Re: Add system setting icon to Launcher

"Their position in a menu users will touch every day means that they will
 be discovered as users enjoy the device."

Will they now?

I have Ubuntu on a netbook, and admin a handfull of Ubuntu workstations on the job. I might not touch the session menu once in a week, if that. My netbook gets put to sleep by closing the cover, it goes into hibernate as power management dictates, it gets restarted when Update Manager nags about it. The workstations stay on most of the time, they lock themselves then they're idle for X amount of time. They're sometimes manually restarted or logged out from but this is the exception rather than the rule.

Furthermore, when I was actively looking for it, the menu denoted by (and generally associated with) a power button isn't exactly the first, second or third place I'm going to look when I'm looking for, say, printer settings or the disk management tool.

(Unity experience level - replaced Windows with Ubuntu on my netbook a few months ago, tried the netbook remix first, got annoyed with it, went to standard Ubuntu. Upgraded to 11.04 today, giving Unity a second's much smoother than in Maverick but still a few sticking points.)