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“Online Services Managers” team's teams

“Bug Supervisors for Ubuntu Translations” team
“Buy-something hackers” team
“Candiru Hackers” team
“Canonical Firewall Configuration” team
“Canonical ISD hackers” team
“Canonical Online Services” team
“Canonical Payment Service Testers” team
“Canonical Voices” team
“cerati hackers” team
“Crash bug triagers for Ubuntu packages” team
“Curucú Hackers” team
“Development of awstrial” team
“oerppy Hackers” team
“Online Services Deployable Admins” team
“Online Services Jenkaas Administrators” team
“Online Services Managers” team
“Oops Tools development team” team
“Ratings and Reviews Developers” team
“rnr-moderators” team
“SIAB” team
“Snap Declaration Reviewers” team
“Snap Name Reviewers” team
“software-center-developers” team
“software-store-developers” team
“Submarine” team
“Tanuki Squad” team
“The Capomastro Team” team
“Turkey Pop-up Team” team
“txStatsD Developers” team
“Ubuntu Appstore Developers” team
“Ubuntu Bug Control” team
“Ubuntu CSS Maintainers” team
“Ubuntu One Android Client Team” team
“Ubuntu One Android hackers” team
“Ubuntu One Client Engineering team” team
“Ubuntu One discussion” team
“Ubuntu One hackers” team
“Ubuntu One iOS Client Team” team
“Ubuntu One Music hackers” team
“Ubuntu One PQM Team” team
“Ubuntu One Support” team
“Ubuntu One Team” team
“Ubuntu One” team
“Ubuntu Push Hackers” team
“Ubuntu Push Notifications Developers” team
“Ubuntu SSO 2-factor testers” team
“Ubuntu Start Page” team
“ubuntuforums-devel” team
“ubuntuone-blog-editors” team