Bugs affecting

Simple search
Status and importance
Milestones, components, and tags
: Tag search help

Upstream status

Bug relationships

Naudy Villarroel Urquiola's teams

“Argentina LoCo” team
“Bolivian Ubuntu Team” team
“Debian Dicas” team
“Florida LoCo Team” team
“Kubuntu Brazilian Team” team
“Launchpad Users” team
“Local Communities Research Committee” team
“Loco reboot enthusiasts” team
“Miembros oficiales del Grupo Ubuntu Nicaragua” team
“Not Canonical” team
“Planet Ubuntu” team
“Radio Online Fraternidad Ubuntu Venezuela” team
“Red de Grupos Locales Ubuntu en Centroamérica” team
“Team MediosLibres Venezuela” team
“UbuConLA” team
“UBUNTU - AL - BR” team
“Ubuntu AL” team
“Ubuntu Amateur Radio” team
“Ubuntu Brasil - AL” team
“Ubuntu Brasil” team
“Ubuntu Brazilian Community LoCo Teams” team
“Ubuntu Canada” team
“Ubuntu Chile” team
“Ubuntu Classroom ES” team
“Ubuntu Cuba Team” team
“Ubuntu Cyclists” team
“Ubuntu Ecuador Team” team
“Ubuntu Games” team
“Ubuntu Gaming Team” team
“Ubuntu Guatemala” team
“Ubuntu Honduras Tegucigalpa” team
“Ubuntu Honduras” team
“Ubuntu Latinoamérica” team
“Ubuntu Local Community Teams” team
“Ubuntu LoCo Enthusiasts” team
“Ubuntu LoCo Team Costa Rica” team
“Ubuntu Marketing Team” team
“Ubuntu Members” team
“Ubuntu Mexico” team
“Ubuntu Nevada” team
“Ubuntu Nicaragua” team
“Ubuntu Panama” team
“Ubuntu Paraguay Team” team
“Ubuntu Perú” team
“Ubuntu Phone” team
“Ubuntu Photographers” team
“Ubuntu Puerto Rico” team
“Ubuntu Spain” team
“Ubuntu Studio” team
“Ubuntu UAE LoCo Team” team
“Ubuntu Uruguay LoCo Team” team
“Ubuntu Users” team
“Ubuntu Venezuela Foros” team
“Ubuntu Venezuela Team” team
“Ubuntu Wiki Editors” team
“Ubuntu-es.iso” team
“Unity and Ubuntu Users” team
“US Teams Project” team
“VaSLibre” team